About the Program
The Davis campus has a distinguished history of teaching and research in the life sciences including animal behavior. The Animal Behavior Graduate Group is an interdepartmental program in which faculty members from several departments, schools, and colleges participate. Members of the Group employ a wide range of animal species in their research as well as a diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches.
In addition to facilities in the departments represented by the faculty members listed on this site, resources available to students include the California Regional Primate Research Center, the Center for Neuroscience, the Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture, the John Muir Institute of the Environment, the Information Center for the Environment, the Tahoe Environmental Research Center, Bodega Marine Laboratory, the UC/Davis Natural Reserve System. and the agricultural field stations. Campus libraries house extensive collections of biological and animal behavior literature.
The Animal Behavior Graduate Group offers the Ph.D. degree. All specializations emphasize adaptive and evolutionary aspects of animal behavior. The program trains students for teaching and research in areas related to a variety of traditional disciplines including anthropology, animal science, conservation biology, ecology, entomology, neurobiology, psychology, physiology, veterinary science, wildlife biology, and zoology.