NEW! The College of Biological Sciences has made funding available to assist Domestic PhD applicants with their application fees. Please click here for more details!

Prerequisite Requirements


ANB accepts applications for the Ph.D. program only.

Applicants for admission to the Animal Behavior Graduate Group must meet the University of California minimum GPA requirement for admission. In addition, candidates must complete the following entrance requirements:

A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a discipline relevant to the biology of behavior.

*The equivalent of at least one course from each of the following subject areas (UCD Courses by Subject Code):

  • Ecology: Upper division (e.g. Ecology and Evolution 101, Environmental Science and
    Policy 100)
  • Genetics: Upper division (e.g. Biological Sciences 101)
  • Statistics: Upper division (e.g. Psychology 103, Statistics 100)
  • Evolution: Upper division (e.g. Evolution and Ecology 100)
  • Animal Behavior: Upper division (e.g. Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior 102)
  • Physiology: Upper division (e.g. Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior 101)


Note: At UC Davis, courses numbered 1-99 are lower division and may be taken at community college, while courses 100-199 are upper division and should be taken at a four-year institution. Please consult your home institutions course catalog to determine which of your coursework is considered lower division, and which is considered upper division.

If the subject area courses have not been completed prior to admission, then they must be completed by the end of the first year in the program either by (1) taking courses as approved by the Graduate Advisor, or (2) by being a Teaching Assistant in the courses listed above or their equivalents, and by attending the course lectures.